Live on that higher shelf

Higher Shelf focuses on evolution. Topic after topic it investigates and collects information which is then distilled into experiences and teachings.

Higher Shelf focuses on fullfillment. Improvement and Innovation without a goal is like a „headless chicken“. We focus on purpose, meaning and wholeness.

Higher Shelf focuses on integration. The consumption of information alone will not change the world. We focus on integrating knowledge and experiences to make learnings last.

It's time to reach higher, baby!

The Spaces of elevation

We focus on three distinctive areas in life as we believe that improving our thoughts,
our heart-connection and the hands-on work is what paves the path to higher living.


This space focuses on our mind. Our thoughts, perceptions, concepts and world views.


This space is about purpose, meaning, soulwork. Everything that makes us feel alive and fulfilled.


This space is about our contribution to society. Our work, our legacy in the real world. 

Stay in the loop

Join live meditations, connect personally
and follow what we’re focusing on at the moment.

We share our own insights and experiences on Instagram

Are you ready for your best life yet?

Higher Shelf combines theory and practice.
Theory widens the horizon and practice supports in integration.